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Cataracts Screening: What to Expect and Why It's Important

Have you noticed that your vision has been gradually getting worse? Are there specific symptoms like cloudy or blurry vision, changes to your eyes' appearance, or noticeable halos or glares Read More

Top 5 Causes of Dry Eye

Dry eyes are one of the most common reasons people visit an optometrist. It is estimated that between 10 and 20% of the population suffers from dry eye. Our eye Read More

Living with Glaucoma: Tips for Managing Your Condition

Eye Doctor Services and Managing Glaucoma with Help from an Optometrist Near You Glaucoma is a serious eye condition that can lead to permanent vision loss. It can occur when the Read More

Glaucoma Diagnoses and Treatment Options

Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that can lead to vision loss and blindness by damaging the optic nerve. This damage is often associated with an increase in the Read More

Glaucoma Signs and Symptoms

Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that can cause damage to the optic nerve, which is vital for good vision. This damage is often caused by abnormally high pressure Read More

The Age of the Blue Light

This article will help you to understand what blue light is and the difference between beneficial and harmful blue light. It also explains why our Optometrist prescribed anti-glare lens to every patient. Read More

Macular Degeneration

Macular Degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss in adults over the age of 50. It is considered an incurable eye disease. It can affect your ability to read, drive, recognize faces, and see fine details whether up close or far away. What is Macular Degeneration? Macular Degeneration is caused by the deterioration of the macula, a part of the retina that helps to focus central vision in the eye. As mentioned above, it is an eye disease that leads to the loss of central vision. There are two types of basic Macular Degeneration: Dry Macular Degeneration– This form

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Keeping Your Eye Health in Mind When Choosing Your Halloween Costume

“Trick or treat.” It is that time of the year again when we go all out with our unique Halloween costumes and makeup. Whatever you plan to wear, it is important to keep your eyes safe and healthy from Halloween accessories and makeup. Halloween Masks and Costumes Halloween masks, if not worn properly, can be a safety hazard when not worn properly by blocking your vision. If they have poorly fitted material, something may get caught in your eyes and put you at risk of an injury. They can also restrict peripheral vision leading to tripping and falls on stairs

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The Importance of Sunglasses as Eye Protection

Sunglasses are not only a fashion statement but can also protect your eyes from the sun’s harmful rays. They can offer all-year-round protection since they can be worn even during winter since the sun can still shine brightly and harm your eyes. Finding a comfortable pair that suits your lifestyle needs and protects you from UV rays simultaneously is essential. Ensure the ones you choose have UV protection information printed on the hang tag. Sunglasses are informally known as shades, sunnies, or sun cheaters, to mention a few, and are protective eyewear meant to protect the eyes from the elements.

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Back to School Eye Exams

As summer vacation winds down, parents always have a long list of things to do to prepare for the beginning of a new school year. However, most parents overlook getting their child’s eyes examined for any visual challenges. Eye care professionals are increasingly concerned about the growing number of undiagnosed eye conditions affecting children’s performance in school. A comprehensive exam can help identify your child’s visual problem in the early stages. This is key because children respond better to treatment when a problem is caught early. This is why it is crucial to get your child’s eyes checked out by

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Don’t Forget Your Sunglasses!

Summer is one of the most fun times of the year. With the warmer temperatures, you can finally enjoy all of those outdoor activities that your family loves. But, while you’re fishing on the boat, building sand castles at the beach or relaxing by the pool don’t forget about the potential dangers that the sun brings. Prolonged exposure to the sun can be very problematic. Most know that sunblock is a must in the summer month, but don’t forget to also protect your eyes. Polarized UV sunglasses are a must. Why are sunglasses so important? For starters, sunglasses help to

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Ocular Migraines: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Ocular migraines are non-permanent, visual disturbances that can have an effect on either one or both of your eyes. Such migraines are usually painless and will sometimes lead to blindness in one eye for a short time usually less than an hour. It is a rare problem, and researchers suggest that its symptoms will manifest as a result of other issues. However, regular ocular migraine attacks can lead to other vision problems referred to as an aura, which involves flashing lights and blind spots. Other terms that are used to describe ocular migraines include eye migraines, ophthalmic migraines, or retinal

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Treatment of Amblyopia, Lazy Eye, or Strabismus

Amblyopia is a medical condition that is commonly referred to as lazy eye. A person with amblyopia will have decreased vision in one or both eyes. This is usually caused in infancy or in childhood due to abnormal development in the eye or eyes. Generally, only one eye is affected, but there are rare cases in which both eyes can be harmed. Fortunately, if amblyopia is caught early in life, it is relatively easy to combat. However, allowing it to go on without treatment can lead to further severe visual disabilities later in life, such as blindness. Symptoms and Signs

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What You Should Know About Age-Related Eye Conditions

You may enjoy good eye health and excellent vision throughout your retirement years, without being affected by significant age-related vision loss. However, aging does present you with an increased risk of eye diseases and other conditions that can impact your vision. You may already have begun to notice, possibly as early as your 40s, that your vision has been gradually changing through the years. You may have increased the strength of your prescription eyeglasses or noticed that traffic lights are increasingly glaring. Here is some information about age-related eye changes to help you in your considerations of ways to protect

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Why are your eyes important?

Just like visiting the doctor once a year for a physical, visiting your eye doctor is an important part of health maintenance for everyone— from kids to adults. During a comprehensive eye exam, your eye doctor does much more than just determine your prescription for glasses or contacts. He or she will also check your eyes for common health issues, assess how your eyes work together as a team, and evaluate your eyes as an indicator of your overall health. Eye doctors are often the first healthcare professionals to detect many chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

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Should I wear Sunglasses in the Winter?

Winter may bring dreary days and freezing temperatures, but don’t put away your shades! Wearing sunglasses in the winter is just as critical as shielding yourself from the sun in the summer. Glasses Protect Your Eyes from Irritants It is important to protect your eyes from harmful substances such as dust, smoke, pollutants, and ultraviolet radiation. Glasses are a critical component of protecting the eyes from these harmful factors. There are numerous reasons to wear sunglasses, but none more so than in the winter. While it may seem as though you don’t need them when the sun isn’t as bright,

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Bronx, NY 10475

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2204 Bartow Ave,
Bronx, NY 10475

Vistasite Eye Care - Bay Plaza Mall


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Vistasite Eye Care - Bartow Ave


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